Meal Prep: Tips And Tricks Part 2

I know, I know, that last post was a bit overwhelming. It seems like a lot but once you get into the swing of things, it’s not so bad. You get into your groove and sashay around the kitchen shoveling food into containers and labeling like a BOSS. Or, you drop stuff on the floor, can’t find your containers, and lose your shit at all the dishes you have to do now. We have our days. It’s ok. 

After all my meals are planned, I begin my actual prep for the week. I try to get the bulk of stuff ready to go on Saturday, so I just have to mix and match my foods into the containers they go on Sunday.

Some of my go-tos


So if I went to BJs and came home and already broke down the chicken all I have to do is go to that container and measure out the ounces I need for each meal. Yes, I have a food scale which gets used A LOT on the Transform App. Bought it from Amazon for cheap and it’s great–here’s the link: Food Scale

Like I mentioned before, if I have time on the weekend and we do our shopping on Saturday, I prep some of the stuff so they are ready to go on Sunday when I cook and that way I have a bit less work to do. I always start with the following:

  1. Break down rotisserie chicken
  2. Cut bell peppers and put them in container
  3. Cut onion and put in container
  4. Roast cauliflower rice and broccoli (if I have fresh)
  5. Make pot of brown rice

At this point, I have my go-to meals so I tend to use the same ingredients for multiple days. It makes shopping and prepping a lot easier. On Sunday, I start by browning my ground turkey and while that’s cooking, I open the cans (black beans and corn) which are used in multiple meals, and bring out stuff from the fridge so it’s on the counter ready to go. If I didn’t have fresh broccoli and cauliflower now is the time I start microwaving the frozen steam packs–each ones takes about 5 minutes and they cover at least 3-5 meals.

  1. Brown ground turkey
  2. Open cans
  3. Take out extras from fridge (salsa, lime juice, marinara, shredded cheese, etc)
  4. Microwave steam packs (broccoli, cauliflower rice)
  5. Take out measuring cups/ spoons and containers
  6. Take out spices I need for my meals
  7. Start assembling containers


Extra canned corn or peppers you won’t use? Freeze them!

Some of my meals consists of onions and peppers and I like to cook them instead of eating it raw–I also cook it with the chicken that way all the flavors meld together–but I’ve also seen people just throw each thing into a container. Since I’m cooking it, it does take longer and because I have specific measurements I have to do each meal separately. If I wasn’t following the Transform App I would definitely throw it all in the same pan then divide it between the containers which would probably cut my meal prepping time in half. The meals I do choose from Transform App are usually ones you can throw into the container without much cooking (as long as all the ingredients are prepped beforehand).


Once the containers are filled I label each one with some tape and a sharpie–it’s all very official–and I check it off my list. When all the meals are done and I’ve cleaned up, I make my oatmeal containers for breakfast. At least one of my snacks for the day is grab and go so it’s usually protein powder and Rice Krispies treats, almonds, cheese stick or granola bars on the side. It’s something I don’t have to put a lot of effort into and is quick to grab the morning of as well.

I’ll say that most Sundays I can churn out Sunday-Tuesday without a problem. If a meal that I’m making for one of those days repeats on Wednesday or Thursday and I have enough of the ingredients out, I make that container as well and label it. Any leftovers on Sunday go into separate containers so I can use when I cook for the rest of the week. I usually schedule what I’m eating later in the week based on what I have leftover and in the fridge. I try not to have to go food shopping during the week since the closest store is a bit overpriced and it’s too much to go food shopping after work, work out, do other errands AND cook. That’s a long day. 

Hopefully this all helps some people who are feeling overwhelmed about meal prepping. It is a bit daunting, especially when you have to measure everything, but once you find your own stride, it should be a lot better. Feel free to leave any questions or comments below—thoughts, ideas, I’d love to hear from people!

If you follow these steps, you should be OK:

  1. Have a plan
  2. Stay organized
  3. Use meals for multiple days so you don’t have to do extra work
  4. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and off your groove, take a break and prep the rest of it tomorrow
  5. Have designated prep days–mine are Sunday, Monday, Thursday

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