Health Book Recommendations

I’ve always been interested in health and medicine since I was in my late teens. I’ve read a lot of books about diet, health and fitness and every day I’m learning more and more. I find it so fascinating. And even more fascinating that after all this time we STILL don’t know everything about the human body. It’s wild.

I think most people are not in tune with their bodies. We wait until it totally shuts down or is screaming at us until we finally go to the doctor. How many people have we heard that waited too long and then it was too late?

I never want to be that person.

And that is why I can spot something the second my body feels off. And I stop and take a listen. Sometimes it tells me to go to sleep, sometimes it tells me I need to move more, or eat less shit. Sometimes it tells me that I need to stress about the small things less (usually by knocking me out with some sort of daycare illness so I can finally lay down).

For some reason we are conditioned to just power through and that is NOT the right approach. I have no idea who started that rumor but we need to cut it out.

Here are some books I’ve read in the last few years that have really helped me. Hopefully they can help you too or at least make you a little more in tuned with your body and mind. These are definitely for people who are just starting out, I’ll leave the more intense books for a later post.

The world is so loud and there are so many things to do all the time, I get it. But no one will care about you if YOU don’t care about you.

Here are some books I’ve really loved:

  • The Blue Zones Secrets For Living Longer by Dan Buettner
  • Pain Free by Pete Egoscue
  • Food: What the heck should I eat? By Mark Hyman
  • Go Green Get Lean by Kate Geagan
My first intro in 2009 to carbon footprints and why/how what we eat affects our environment. We are talking about food and environment now more than ever which I’m very happy about, but it’s been a long time coming. And she made it very easy to understand. This book is why I removed sugar from my coffee and never went back. It’s great for someone just starting who needs to clean up their eating and I think it’s very helpful to know WHY you should and how it impacts the environment around you.

Blue Zones are all the rage now but Dan started this work about 15 years ago and now people are taking note. What he’s shared with us is amazing and you can definitely see commonalities between these communities that live so far away from each other. It’s about slowing down, finding community and purpose, and clean eating. And a little wine once in a while.

How many people are living with chronic pain and just think it’s a way of life? It shouldn’t be and I know this because I found this book as I was going to physical therapy and in a lot of pain. It was really fascinating to learn more about the body and how everything is connected. I tried to keep up with some of the protocols from this book but life eventually got in the way and I stopped. My pain did get better during that time so I do feel there is something to it. A great easy to understand intro into your body and how everything is connected.

He looks at every food group and tells us what we’ve gotten wrong, what is good for us, and what not so good. He gives a lot of incite into the food companies and the corruption behind things we’ve held true to for years before going, wait a minute…like that The American Heart Association (AHA) receives much of its funding from food and pharmaceutical industries. They said coconut oil had too much saturated fat but had never done a real study to show that–The study was partly funded by canola oil processors. Then years later we’re like, wait coconut oil is one of the best things for you! This book helps weed through all the overwhelming info out there.

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