Eating Right: What I Learned About Meal Prepping In The Past Year

Below I’ve listed my typical meal prep before I started the Transform program with Chris and Heidi Powell and what I eat now on the program. I still have some adjusting to do since my husband officially moved in a few months ago so I’ve been running out of meals earlier in the week when I cook. It takes some getting used to when a pot of rice used to be 5 servings for one person but now it’s only 3 servings total for both of us (boys eat a lot!). And meat for two people? Insane! I don’t know how people feed families over 4’s so expensive…pb&j for everyone!

I’ve been trying to prep myself for the week AND also feed my husband. The poor thing has had to eat a lot of these Transform meals since making two of something is easier than creating a whole separate meal. I just increase the carbs and protein for him. Sometimes I make a crock pot of something and that lasts him for a few days so I can just focus on myself. But that guy lucked out—he lost  about 10 lbs. 2 months after I started the program—HE WASN’T EVEN OFFICIALLY ON THE PROGRAM!
That just shows how much food really does impact our bodies. We can work out for 3 hours every day, but if you’re shoving donuts in your mouth and eating carbs late at night, then all that work is for nothing. I’m still learning how to perfect meal prepping and making sure that I’m eating the right things but I sure have come a long way from 2 years ago when I thought I was doing OK. This last 6 months have brought me to a whole new meal prepping level.

Old Way: Before prepping: usually just coffee at 8am then I would have my first snack at 10am.
New Way: I now have oatmeal M-F and then treat myself to a fruit smoothie and toast

Oatmeal, Monday-Friday

with peanut butter on the weekends. When I began prepping, I tried changing up my breakfasts so I had half the week oatmeal and the other half a ground turkey sweet potato skillet meal but then I realized I was OK with oatmeal 5 days a week so why add more work to my prep on Sunday for no reason? The turkey meal took more time and used up my meat which I could save for lunches and dinners.

Old Way: I would pack 2 snacks for the day, like a small zip lock bag of pretzels and animal crackers. And if I had more time and I wanted to be fancy I would have cut up vegetables and have a cheese stick or snack bar. None of that was very filling probably since it was low on protein.
New Way: I now eat 2 snacks while I’m at work and it’s usually a protein shake with almonds, cheese sticks or Rice Krispies Treats–depending on if it’s a low or high carb day.  When I can actually make it to the deli I like to do a couple turkey and cheese roll ups. If If I have more time on my meal prepping day, I make a bigger meal so I’m having a larger snack and lunch during work and then I’m not tempted by all the donuts and treats going around because I’m so full. I realized on this plan that although I was eating 2 mini snacks during the day before, they weren’t very filling which is why I was always starving by the time I got home at 4:30pm and then ate very naughty things.

Old Way: Make a vat of chili (with meat or just beans) and it can feed you for days. Add some rice to your chili and I had lunch. That’s my favorite way to save money on food. Or pasta with cheese and sauce or soups. But it’s very hard to transport soup to work. I have done well recently with freezing the soup servings into plastic cups and then slipping (or breaking) them out of the cups and transporting it solid to work. Less spillage.  Sometimes I would make a small salad and add some grilled chicken to it.
New Way: I follow the Transform App meal plan and eat meals according to my allotted macros and whether it’s a low or high-carb day. I never feel bloated, I’m always pretty full, and even though I’ve increased my protein intake and decreased my pasta/rice (which has increased my grocery budget), I think it’s worth it. That means less mini-snacks in between my other snacks. Typically I’ll have some ground turkey with

ground turkey, broccoli, marinara and Parmesan cheese: one of my frequent go-tos

marinara sauce, broccoli and Parmesan cheese (low-carb) or I’ll have chicken with black beans, corn, salsa and rice (high carb).

Old Way: Usually it’s leftover from the night before–chicken or ground beef, vegetables, rice or salad. Or some soup again–usually from a can which is full of sodium! Rice, potatoes, and pasta were usual contenders because they’re the easiest to make for dinner since I was starving early on in the night when I wasn’t eating my high protein snacks.
New Way: Going on the Transform App made me realize I ate too many carbs for dinner so I’ve transitioned to a more low-carb meal at night and upped the protein intake. I feel so much better going to sleep at night since I eat all my heavy stuff earlier in the day and then I’m not starving at night. Typically I make that ground turkey with marinara that I listed for lunch or my other favorite, Taco Salad–ground turkey, onion, salsa, lettuce, olives, shredded cheese, and avocado. And hot sauce. On everything.

So, if you’re finding meal prepping daunting, don’t fret. It takes a while to get a rhythm. Some weeks I have a really good prep and I have 4 days worth of food in under 2 hours, and other weeks (like this week) I lose my shit on Monday when I’ve barely made 2 days worth of meals and I also have to squeeze in my workout, wash the dishes, and do all the other little household things and it’s already 7pm. In those cases you have to realize that you have to let something go in order to keep your sanity–so I moved my workout to another day in the week. I felt a little better but sometimes you just have to focus on what you can do and don’t beat yourself up so much. We’re all still learning.