2018: Time To Find Your Fit

We’re back talking about fitness which is only appropriate for the month of resolutions also known as January. As per StatisticBrain.com, in 2017 21.4% of people resolved to lose weight/eat healthier and 5.5% resolved to work out more often. That mean a little over ¼ of our population made fitness resolutions. I wonder what gym attendance looks like in March though…every year it’s the same thing: make a resolution, break a resolution, resolve to do better next year, fall of the wagon. Repeat.

I’ve tried so many different programs throughout the years since I was in High School. I tried the Zone diet which got big via Jennifer Aniston in the late 90’s. It worked and it was probably the thinnest I ever was but I’m not sure if it was because I was making my own dinner of ground turkey, lettuce, some vegetables, and a couple macadamia nuts or because I think I had Mono at that time and didn’t know it. Looking back, it might have been the Mono.

In the last couple years I’ve started to discover what works and what doesn’t but still haven’t perfected it. I usually end up losing a few pounds and my clothes feel better, but then a few weeks of bad eating later and little to no exercise, I’m back to where I started. It really does starts with clean eating and I’m trying to perfect my meal prep so I can be the best I can be but some weeks it’s hard. Life gets in the way.

I’ve tried Juice Fasts (didn’t last very long). Although I do recommend a veggie/fruit juice scheduled for 1-2 days, you’ll be amazed at how good you feel afterwards when your pipes are all clean. And no, I haven’t experienced the rumored ass explosions. People are just scared of fruits and vegetables. Just make sure to do it a day when you’re home because you are drinking your calories and over extending yourself wouldn’t be wise when you’re eating less than 1000 calories. But also you’ll be close to a toilet. Just in case.

I tried having protein shakes throughout the day but just powder and water makes me feel sad and I need to be close to a blender to make a substantially satisfying shake so it’s unrealistic for when you’re at work. Which ends up being at least ⅓ of our day. I find the people who usually drink 2-3 shakes a day are the ones who fall off the wagon HARD—you need to chew! Our mouths were made for that. 

I recently tried the Chris and Heidi Powell’s Extreme Transformation idea of prepping your meals for the whole week so you’re in control of what you eat and based upon a Macro counting program. That worked well but I am surrounded by Tupperware!

Tupperware everywhere! And this is a light day!

Containers EVERYWHERE! Gonna circle back to this though for a more in-depth discussion of this program soon. I am really impressed by this program.

I’ve done the Ab Roller, Sweat Belt, Pole, Pilates, Ballet, Kickboxing. I sweated to the Oldies with my mom and Richard Simmons when I was younger. I ran at the track and my stamina increased during that time but I HATE running and running in a circle was sooooo boring. Dance videos–I felt great but probably looked like a fool and none of those routines are actually helpful on a real dancefloor.

Work out for 17 minutes! No, work out for 90 minutes! Bike, walk, run, crawl. Fitness is everywhere and I feel like I’ve done it all. But I will continue on my journey until I find the perfect routine for me. Even if I have to Frankenstein it myself. So that’s what I’m dedicating the next few weeks to—Let’s Find Our Fit.

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